My second novel, Pendulum Pet, a thoroughly politically incorrect sci-fi/fantasy satire, has just been published in Slovenia in a tangible, paper form as a part of the independent imprint called corona\samizdat. The relatively thick paperback only costs a measly 10 euros plus postage, so if you feel like supporting “the literary cause” that this small press represents, it won’t cost you much. Even if you’re not interested in my book at all, please do consider taking a look at the complete catalogue. You may find something else of interest, as this fine collection of titles, meticulously curated by the US American expatriate to Slovenia, writer and unwavering literary activist Rick Harsch, includes many fascinating works and will certainly keep growing – especially if readers keep supporting it.

Pendulum Pet contains links to music (allegedly) recorded by the fictional musicians appearing in the story. The album that goes along with the book can be found on the relevant Bandcamp page.